Hosted Buyer Programme Reply Slip (for invited buyers only)

Eligible buyers will enjoy the following buyer incentives for the JGT Dubai’s Hosted Buyer Programme. Offer is exclusive and limited on a first-come, first-served basis:

  • Complimentary roundtrip economy class ticket to Dubai
    (one round trip ECONOMY flight ticket to ONE PERSON covered by Fair Organisers)
  • Complimentary two-night designated hotel stay in Dubai
    (Each company or company group is entitled to ONLY ONE ROOM of two(2) nights, between 21 – 25 February 2022 only)
  • Unparalleled opportunities to attend exclusive pre-arranged business-matching meetings with exhibitors who can meet your company’s specific needs
  • Invitations to high-value networking events
  • Free visitor admission badge
  • Free access to VIP Buyer Lounge at the fairground

Application Deadline: 18 January 2022

Application Closed!

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us:

Visitor Promotion Department, Jewellery Fairs
Informa Markets Jewellery
E [email protected]